In October, the team at Whitwick Historical Group organised an exhibition with the theme of “Whitwick Schools” to mark the Group’s 35th Anniversary. We were all delighted by the support received from the local community. The dry, warm and sunny weather was ideal and the event was very well-attended.

There were many positive aspects to the day but particular favourites inside the hall seemed to be studying the old school photographs; reading the Attendance Registers; looking at the displays by current school children and meeting up with old friends to share reminiscences. Lots of visitors sat together to have a go at the quizzes or enjoy the delicious home-made cakes. The room was filled with sounds of pleasant chatter and laughter.

Outside, visitors found the Browns Blue bus a terrific attraction. Twice during the day the owner, Mick Gamble, drove the bus into Coalville following one of the former company’s routes. There were stops for photo opportunities for the passengers and no doubt for people along the route too.

One staunch supporter of the Group had shared his memories of playground games from the 1940s and 1950s. We had fun trying to recall the rules and rhymes that accompanied these games, particularly for skipping with a long rope and playing ball against a brick wall. Whilst football and chasing games are still very popular, others, like playing with marbles and snobs, have become obscure. The old games were often seasonal and were picked up from older children or parents.

Looking ahead, Whitwick Historical Group will be involved in events to mark the Armistice Centenary this month. Otherwise, the team at the Old Station will continue to support people researching their family history and doing as much as possible to play an active role in the local community. Volunteers are always needed and will be warmly welcomed. If you are interested in local history, why not come along and find out more.

Published On: 1 October 2018By

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