School visits are an important aspect of Whitwick Historical Group’s commitment to our local community. Members enjoy sharing their enthusiasm for local history with young people whilst raising awareness and understanding of our heritage. Over many years, WHG has supported KS2 teachers and pupils in three schools: Holy Cross School, New Swannington Primary School and St John The Baptist C Of E Primary School.
The visits generally take place during either a whole morning or afternoon. Usually, the themes covered are linked to Victorian or early 20th century topics such as: coal mining (including the Whitwick Colliery Disaster of 1898); railways; shops and shopping and domestic life. There is always close liaison with class teachers beforehand regarding organisation and to ensure that the focus of our input fits with on-going classwork.
During a school visit, different activities are available. A firm favourite with pupils is the fascinating collection of memorabilia linked to coal mining which is taken into the classroom by two volunteers. Seeing and even holding, where appropriate, these items which were once so common, enhances the understanding of a working life which was prevalent in the locality but has now disappeared. In a similar way, another WHG member displays objects from a huge collection of domestic artefacts from the early 20th century which youngsters are allowed to handle. Other volunteers use PowerPoint presentations to illustrate stories of historical events in and around the district. Access to photographs from the vast archive held by the Group ensures that any slide show is relevant, informative and stimulating. Whatever the subject matter, the local knowledge and experience that the WHG team can offer is an extra benefit.