The easiest way to purchase any of our products is to call at the Old Station during opening hours.
Alternatively, please contact the Group via email with details of what you wish to buy and your preferred postage option. Please choose from: 2nd class; 1st class; 2nd class signed for or 1st class signed for. We will advise you of the total cost.
Payment in person by cash or cheque. Please make cheques payable to Whitwick Historical Group. For postal sales, please pay by cheque or BACs transfer (details on request). As soon as your payment has been received, your order will be despatched.

Ale Houses of Whitwick
By Christopher Matchett
An Illustrated History of Inns, Pubs and Ale Houses in Whitwick Compiled by Chris Matchett, 2nd Edition 2012.
This illustrated guide is filled with over 160 images of the Whitwick pubs and their regulars, past and present. A brief history of each inn, pub or ale house is given. Some of the pubs are still open and trading; others have been demolished or converted. Whitwick was renowned for the number of pubs it had; for many they were the centre of their working and social lives.

2025 Calendar
Our popular calendar for 2025 with images of Whitwick is now on sale.
Call in at Whitwick Historical Group premises at ‘The Old Station‘ or at these local shops:
Colledge’s Florists and Mark Davis Opticians in Silver Street, Whitwick.
Mason’s Chemist, North Street, Whitwick.
K.C.R. Garage, Castle Street, Whitwick
Makes a wonderful gift – get your copy now!
The Old Station Building, North Street, Whitwick LE67 5HA or by bank transfer.
Our bank details are as follows:
Account number 49515912; Sort code 05-03-81

Banded Together Part 1
Leicestershire’s Worst Mining Disaster at Whitwick Colliery in 1898, Revised Edition.
The Accident and What Followed by Lesley Hale and John Colledge.
This definitive account with maps and illustrations of the Whitwick Colliery Disaster is based upon long-term research. The authors were fortunate to have conversations with families of the victims and survivors, members of the rescue party and others, mostly now deceased. The accounts of the Disaster and its after effects that have been handed down through generations make this a very moving story, even for those with no mining background.
(or £24.00 as a bundle with Part 2)

Banded Together Part 2
Leicestershire’s Worst Mining Disaster at Whitwick Colliery in 1898, Revised Edition.
The Families by Lesley Hale and Michael Wileman.
This book supplements Part 1 by giving detailed information about and photographs of the thirty-five men who were killed and their wives and children. The stories of the seven survivors and their families are also told. Research was based upon local parish registers, census returns and the recollections of descendants of people who were closely involved, including members of the recovery party.
(Revised editions currently in preparation)
(or £24.00 as a bundle with Part 1)

City to City
By Eric Jarvis
A Journey Through Whitwick from the City of Dan to the City of Three Waters by Eric Jarvis.
2nd Edition, 2012.
This book gives a detailed history of Whitwick as if the reader was travelling along the road from The City of Dan to the City of Three Waters through the village centre. It is based on the memories of the author and stories told to him by local people in the second half of the twentieth century.

Holy Cross Church, A Brief History
1837 – 1937
By Albert E Robinson
2nd Edition, 2015.
An informative and detailed account, with illustrations, based on many sources that tells the story of the first one hundred years of Whitwick Holy Cross parish. It includes information on the significant buildings such as the Abbey of Mount St Bernard and The Reformatory as well as the chapels, churches and The Convent. Details of key people and spiritual leaders, including the Parish Priests are also given.

Saint John the Baptist Church Whitwick (Some of its History)
By Janet Cartlidge
A book with an emphasis on illustrations, showing the exterior of the Parish Church, significant parts of the interior and the tower. The colourful images of the inside of the church show banners, stained-glass windows and memorials with brief descriptions and explanations.

Whitwick & New Swannington Comforts Fund
Whitwick Wartime Series: Book 1, by Albert Robinson
This is the story of a small community that worked feverishly to provide as many comforts as possible to send to those from the village who were away from home and engaged at war. Based on information from Whitwick Toc H reports, letters and accounts; articles in the Coalville Times and the preserved minutes of the Comfort Fund, it covers fund-raising activities organised by diverse groups.

Whitwick Schools at War
Whitwick Wartime Series: Book 2, by Denis Baker
This is an illustrated account of how the two village schools coped with the problem of receiving into their midst children and teachers who were evacuated from the City of Birmingham and southern England during the Second World War. The author conducted his research by looking at the school Log Books and gathering memories from some former evacuees and the families who hosted them.

Whitwick Market Place School
By Marlene Pearson
Based on the Memories of Miss Edith Carr, a Whitwick School Teacher from 1914 to 1958.
This illustrated account is based upon a transcribed copy of a tape recording made during a talk given by Miss Carr in 1986 to members and friends of the Whitwick Historical Group.
Miss Carr, who lived from 1891 until 1989, related how she became a teacher and gives fascinating details about the Market Place School from WW1 until her retirement.

Notelets, pack of eight
Each pack contains two notelets of four different black and white sketches: the Black Horse public house in Church Lane; the Colliery Wheel in the City of Dan; the Old Vicarage in Silver Street and the former Spring Hill Farm in Charnwood Forest.
Includes envelopes.

Ceramic mug
On one side there is an image of colliery headstocks with the caption:
Whitwick Colliery Speedwell Pit
On the other side is printed:
To Commemorate Whitwick Colliery 1820 – 1986
Whitwick Historical Group
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